Follow Alicia Purdy on the campaign trail as she runs to win MAYOR OF ALBANY!

Campaign Volunteer Event to TRANSFORM Albany!
If you live in Albany, if you work in Albany, if you have friends or family in Albany, if you own property or a business in Albany, if you travel through Albany, if you love the state of New York – YOUR HELP IS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE VICTORY! My vision is to make Albany “The Greatest Small City in America”. A new mayor won’t solve every problem, but it is the first and most important step in the right direction after 100 years of single-party rule. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
My vision is to make Albany “The Greatest Small City in America”. A new mayor won’t solve every problem, but it is the first and most important step in the right direction after 100 years of single-party rule.
Why I am Running…
I am running for Mayor of Albany because, while many wish they could do something to bring necessary changes, many are unable to.
I am running because I AM Albany and so are you. I am running because I have roots here and I love my city, and I know that I can make a positive difference in how our collective future is formed.
I am running because our skyrocketing crime rates are unacceptable. I am running because my children, and yours, deserve parks to play in without parents glancing around in fear. I am running because you and I deserve to go jogging, take a walk with the dog and wait for a bus without wondering if we are safe. I am running because drugs, addiction, domestic violence, child abuse, poverty and mental health need solutions that work in the long term and bring lasting changes, not band-aids and empty promises, endless roundtable discussions and committees.
I am running because the leaders who run Albany aren’t paying attention anymore and it’s time for fresh blood, a fresh set of eyes and fresh vision.
Albany, N.Y. has a population of nearly 100,000 people with an average income of about $45,000. The city’s poverty rate is currently around 38%!
(Read more about Albany’s statistics here)
Albany is at a crossroads. We live in the same city, but are worlds apart. I am running because I have worked throughout my entire life to make a positive difference in the world as a journalist, a missionary, a faith leader, a mother, a friend and a neighbor- and I want to bring my leadership skills, experience, grit and determination, compassion and hard work ethic into my city and help facilitate a world where what unites us becomes the focus, instead of what divides us. We are stronger together.